June 9-11, 2023
Pagosa Springs, Colorado
16th Annual
2023 Workshops
Workshops are a festival tradition that go way back to our very first year. Whether you're a musician looking for tips and advice, or an ardent fan hoping for a peek into the creative process of a performer you admire, the workshop tent is a great place to go.
The workshop tent is located just up the gravel road a bit from the box office, smack dab in the middle of a grassy meadow and surrounded by ponderosa pines, scrub oak and lupine flowers. It's an intimate setting where no amplification is required because you're RIGHT THERE in front of your favorite musicians.
Players are encouraged to bring their instruments in case there's an opportunity to play along, but non-players are equally welcome to just sit and take it all in. Workshops are open to all festival-goers with a valid wristband for the day.